
sister organizations
Museum of Jurassic Technology
An educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic.
Art Brut Connaissance & Diffusion
A French foundation with international scope, whose main objective is to research, study and make known Art Brut by means of exhibitions, publications and audio visual productions.
Synesthetic Bubble Gum Cards
Taste the iridescence! Feel the effervescence! Hear the luminescence!
Antarctica Dream-Dollars
"Life is an exchange," Samuel Brundt was wont to say. "An exchange of heat, energy, force, love, hate, art. There are spiritual and material transactions occurring every minute. Our monetary system is a microcosm of this."
Ars Subterranea: The Society for Creative Preservation
Comprised of artists, historians, and urban explorers working to create an intersection between art and architectural relics in the New York City area.
Cherish the Past Adorn the Present Construct for the Future
Rotherhithe University
The University of Rotherhithe was founded in 1927 by Isadore Brunel, the bastard half-sister of her more famous brother/engineer. Disillusioned by what she saw as the trivial and often downright detrimental application of her brother's superior intellect on such mundane endeavours as tunnels and bridges, she sought to create an educational establishment that focused on education for education's sake.
Hokes Archives
Devoted to the fabrication and documentation of rare and unusual cultural artifacts.
The UK Museum of Ordure
Investigating the potential value of the items that are discarded day by day as waste.
That Word Which Means Smuggling Across Borders, Incorporated
Using the W.B. Pollock measuring device, (patented 1895), by flattening this device into a system of 34 vectoralized lines. Number each line and alphabetize points one cm apart on each.
As If It Were Real
An umbrella organisation for the collaborative activities of practitioners [in the broadest sense of all the words].
The Wildgoose Memorial Library
A private reference resource, which may be accessed by persons wishing to consult & make free associations on subjects pertaining to the mysteries of THE LIVING RELATION TO THE DEAD, AND ON MEMORY & IMMORTALITY.
The Ontological Museum of the International Post-Dogmatist Group
Dedicated to the collection of Post-Dogmatist artifacts generated by members of the International Post-Dogmatist Group and their projects.
Marcus System Enterprises
The first emotion removal organization to establish a regional touring enterprise devoted to Jane Dark's work on feeling extraction.
Gladys Dwindlebimmers Ralston Gallery of the Unidentifiable
Mr. and Mrs. Ralston had both been orphans of undoubtedly shameful parentage, adopted into the Redbone community by prominent, but childless families. Thus the Ralston's collection is famous for having not a single identifiable artist in it, to commemorate their own uncertain origins.
The Digital Territory of KonungaRikena Elgaland-Vargaland
The Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland [KREV] were proclaimed in 1992 and consist of all Border Territories: Geographical, Mental & Digital.
The Institute for Figuring
The Institute takes as its purview a complex ecology of figuring.
The Philadelphia Institute for Advanced Study
Philadelphia's premier center of higher learning.