
current exhibits
Sad But True
I'm your pain while you repay.
Day-Long Duet (The Day The World Went Away)
Lost In Stereo (Pop Mantra #5)
she's out of control / so beautiful
novaScotia transCryption Engines
Onsite and online versions of 4 video installations.
Static Trapped in Mouths
He called them his friends.
Pop Mantra #4 (Rain Down On Me)
From a great height. From a great height.
Again (I Wish I Was A Fool For You)
I wish I was a fool for you again.
'Twixt The Cup And The Lip #3 (Letting the language speak itself?)
one day you will code you will way of Juniper router yeah Harley alarm
subjectively drifting through time in order to reclaim it
TOM (an instrumental rock opera remix in four parts)
See Me / Feel Me / Touch Me / Hear Me
Double Blind (Love)
While singing they evolved and mutated the original song excerpt, collaborating and communicating in a space/time of alterity.
Google's Greatest Hits
An ongoing performance by The Google Image Search Engine in collaboration with Various Humans & their Words.
A Performance Diptych
tonight / wait, now
During the Beginning
and god said let there be light and there was light
The Emily Dickinson Difference Engine
The impenetrability of things, the malleability of words, and the feelings that humans associate with things and words.
Breathing in B Flat
Sound and light come from my face because my face is something in the world that I can control semi-directly.
An Exercise in Meta-Crypto-Ontology.
The Unbearable Being of Lightness
A faux Cartesian space where all that was solid in the pre-Kantian world-view melts into air.